Reborn- Evoker Page 14
“I was startled to see you in the back of the guard line, and even more surprised that the commander thought you guys were his reinforcements,” expand Hamon.
“Well, we did incapacitate several of the Demon Lord’s henchmen I guess he hired the Brotherhood of the Dark Hand Guild to assist with destroying the cloister,” I explained how we met up with Commander Sugarbird.
“The Brotherhood of the Dark Hand?” Hamon muttered as he appeared to be alarmed.
“Why? What is it?” I asked.
“Well, that guild is a brotherhood of assassins. It appears that they are targeting something very specific in this cloister,” answered Hamon.
Chapter Ten
“What are you guys talking about?” a priest said as he came over to where Hamon, Yves, Cecily, and Walter conjugated in the corner of the cloister.
“Father Michael, I would like you to meet my students. This is Edward, he was my apprentice, and the others are Walter, Cecily, and Yves. They traveled from Draererth to rescue me,” explained Hamon.
“Pleasure to meet your acquaintances,” replied Father Michael with a bow. “I couldn’t help but overhear, you guys are able to protect people?” Father Michael asked.
“We can,” admitted Cecily.
As we were discussing a plan to protect the patients who were in the room with us, Alexia and Commander Sugarbird returned. Sugarbird no longer had his men that he led as they were distributed among the posts on the outer wall.
“This talented, uh, thief here showed me the sewer grate and how we are prime pickings for another invasion,” explained Commander Sugarbird.
“Assassin, I’m an assassin,” corrected Alexia.
“Right, assassin. Excuse me,” relented Sugarbird.
“That gives me an idea!” Father Michael exclaimed. “Hamon, could your students help all of the able-bodied patients out of the cloister. I fear another attack is imminent.”
“I’m sure they could,” affirmed Hamon.
A frown came across Commander Sugarbird’s face. “Alexia, could you lead them through the sewer grate that you showed me” Commander Sugarbird asked.
“I don’t think we should go to that sew grate that I showed you, but I do know my way around the underground waterways. Is there an access point closer so we can evacuate the able-bodied patients?” Alexia asked.
The priest thought about it for a few moments and then suggested, “There is a large entry way to the sewage system in one of the bathrooms off of this room. That one would be the closest.”
“Well, let’s get to it!” I shouted.
Commander Sugarbird helped me assist several of the able-bodied patients over to the sewer grate in the bathroom as we followed Alexia. Hamon and the rest of the group brought up the rear, Hamon limped along, a mere resemblance of the towering Archmage that he once was.
The commander and I were able to get seven patients who were able to move and walk on their own. The remaining patients would be guarded by the guardsmen of the cloister. I was sure glad that we got to Hamon in time and were able to rescue him.
Alexia lifted the grate and Commander Sugarbird and I helped each of the patients through the passageway as they followed Alexia once inside the sewer. I passed through the grate with Hamon and helped him as he leaned on me.
The water in the sewer came up only to my foot, and we didn’t have to fall the long way that we did when we entered the sewer from the street. As Hamon’s arm came over my shoulder so I could help him bear his body weight he asked, “How has your magic been progressing?”
“Since I returned to Draererth, Wavernjack placed me in the advanced evoker classes. We also made a training facility on some land that Draererth wasn’t using,” I started.
“That’s fantastic that you were placed in the advanced evoker classes. I’m so proud of you,” admitted Hamon.
“I’m in those classes as well,” interrupted Cecily.
“That’s great Cecily. I always knew you would become an evoker,” replied Hamon. “Congratulations to the both of you. You both have come a long way.”
We treated further and further into the sewer system, Alexia leading us. Right turn, then left turn. We moved as fast as we could go, but given most of the patients could barely walk, we didn’t move that fast.
“Did you hear that?” Hamon whispered in my ear.
“Hear what?” I asked.
“Ssshhh. Quiet…” Hamon commanded. “There it is again.”
“I don’t hear anything,” I challenged. “What are you talking about?”
“We are what he’s talking about,” a voice mused coming up from behind us.
As I turned, I was certain I would see the sewer rats from before, but instead, I was stunned to find two hooded figures. “The Brotherhood of the Dark Hand,” I muttered.
AC: 15 Studded Leather
HP: 78 (12d8 +24)
Strength: 11(+0)
Dexterity: 16(+3)
Constitution: 14(+2)
Intelligence: 13(+1)
Wisdom: 11(+0)
Charisma: 10(+0)
Saving Throws: DEX +6 INT +4
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Deception +3 Stealth +9
“Lovely,” muttered Hamon in response to my muttering. “Edward, I’m afraid I cannot be of any use to you with these guys. I am not yet healed from the Demon Lord. You’re on your own with this one, but I’m sure these guys are nothing you can’t handle.”
“Hey Latherous, did you hear that?” one of the hooded figures shouted to another.
“Hear what?” Latherous responded back.
“This codger was the one in the fight with the Demon Lord. He’s the one we are after!” the hooded figure answered.
A smile comes across Latherous’ face which was barely noticeable underneath the shadow of the cloaked hood. “Well, let’s get him!” Latherous shouted.
Immediately I shouted, “Clipeum!” Casting a shield around us to stave off the initial attack.
Edward cast Shield.
I was relieved to see the transparent-blue protective energy enclose us.
Walter said to me, “Ed, we can’t use our stronger area of effect spells like Gravity Snare, we would risk harming one of the patients that we are trying to protect.”
“Good point,” I replied. After some thought, “We will have to utilize Alexia and Commander Sugarbird, they would be the most effective for a match like this.”
Alexia reached behind herself and pulled out her two short swords, her scimitars. With one in each hand she charged toward the brotherhood at full speed.
Alexia used her light weaponry as a main action attack and a bonus attack. 16(+5) as she made a successful Dexterity check.
The brother of the Dark Hand failed his Dexterity saving throw and did not survive the critical hit dealt by Alexia.
Alexia slit through one of the brothers with her right hand in the chest. She then turned around in midair and slight his throat with her left hand. This was a feat to witness as she did this without even touching the ground.
The hooded brother first clenched his chest to attempt to stop the bleeding. After Alexia dealt the lethal blow to the neck, the brother held his severed neck in his hand to block the blood that poured out of his neck. Red liquid flowed faster and faster as he fell to the ground and died.
“Wonderful job, Alexia,” I shouted, still amazed by her acrobatic skills.
Latherous, appeared to be distressed by watching his brother pass away. While Alexia completed her attack, Commander Sugarbird had been distracted by helping the patients to safety. When he returned, he was caught off guard.
Thankfully for the patients, Commander Sugarbird gave them a head start, leading the patients a ways down the sewer passageway and out of harm’s way. His first concern was the patients who needed healing from the magical cloister and when his attention was brought back to the battle and hand, he was surprised. Latherous’ eyes were on the retuning commander. He must have re
alized that Commander Sugarbird was caught off guard and took advantage of the situation.
Latherous snuck up on Commander Sugarbird when he returned from helping the patients. Latherous went to stab Commander Sugarbird by taking his dagger out from his cloak.
Since Commander Sugarbird had just joined the confrontation, he rolled a higher initiative than Latherous and was no longer surprised by his assassinate maneuver.
Commander Sugarbird took out his long sword and sliced through the neck of Latherous.
Commander Sugarbird used his melee attack weapon and rolled 20(+6) as he made a successful Dexterity check.
Latherous failed his Constitution saving throw and did not survive the critical hit dealt by Commander Sugarbird.
“You two did amazing,” I cheered after Commander Sugarbird removed his long sword from the body of Latherous.
Hamon joined in the commemoration, “Good thing you got the patients away from the battle when you did. I would hate to see one of my fellow friends injured in something like this. We’ve all come such a long way.
“Right, they should stay a ways back while we are guiding them through this sewer system. Shepherding is a difficult job, I had no idea,” I suggested.
Hamon went over to the bodies of the Brotherhood of the Dark Hand. “Did you see that they are wearing a uniform with the Demon Lord’s insignia on it?” I asked.
“I did. This is very concerning,” muttered Hamon.
“Oh? It’s nothing I hadn’t already known,” I admitted. “I thought I imparted all of this to you.”
“No, it’s worse. It seems as though the insignia that these brothers are wearing are part of the elite human troops Lord Abraxas has recruited. In order for these guys to be a part of this troop, they would have to pass one of the most grueling tests. It seems as though the Demon Lord recruited the Brotherhood of the Dark Hand as part of this elite group,” explained Hamon.
“The Brotherhood of the Dark Hand is now a member of the Demon Lord’s Order of the Blood Thirsty?” Commander Sugarbird starkly stated, appearing as though he did not want to believe the words that came out of his mouth.
“Correct, Commander,” affirmed Hamon.
“This is a group who thrives on drinking blood from the living. These two should have been yearning for fresh blood, given that once they take the blood oath, they are programmed to only want more and more blood.” Commander Sugarbird thought about his words a few moments and then continued, “Then, why were they so easy to kill? And so quickly as well?” the commander asked.
“What you speak makes sense, commander,” started Hamon.
I interrupted with my outward stream of consciousness, “I don’t think it was that quick!” I muttered. “That battle was child’s play compared to the one I did earlier in the sacred garden—“ I quickly remembered that I had used a spell that Hamon was not aware that I knew. I tried to pull the words back into my mouth, but they had already fallen onto Hamon’s ears.
“Your battle with these guys was quicker than the one Commander Sugarbird and Alexia had just now?” Hamon asked.
“Oh! Hamon, I’ll have to tell you later about that. What I meant to say is, that Lord Abraxas must really want you dead if he sent his personal, elite troop out for you,” I backpedaled.
“I suppose he’s still mad,” answered Hamon. “Let’s keep going.”
Alexia led us down passageway down passageway at a rapid pace. I was surprised the injured could keep up with us, but we could not risk another attack. Now that we knew that Hamon was the target, rather than the cloister itself, we were even on higher alert.
As we moved down one passageway of the sewer and turned the corner, we were instantly met with a cackle. “Look at what the cat dragged in,” a cloaked figure mused.
“Not again!” shouted Cecily, appearing to be defeated, her shoulders slumping.
“Oh look!” one of the cloaked figures said. “Just the one we need.” This time I knew that they were after Hamon.
I could not spare Alexia and Commander Sugarbird taking on these ones as well. Especially since there were seven of them. Now that I knew that these elite assassins were after my beloved mentor, I had no choice. I had to act fast! “Cecily, take Yves and Walter and gather the injured. Help them to safety,” I ordered.
They nodded and helped the injured down the passageway that we had just came from. Alexia shouted, “Wait for me, I will lead you guys.” She ran in front of them to assist.
“I must guard the injured as well,” stated Commander Sugarbird as he went to assist with them.
Hamon and I stood alone, surrounded by the seven, black-cloaked assassins. “Lord Abraxas will be so pleased once we bring him his desired prize!” mused another cloaked figure.
Hamon was going to be surprised by what I had planned, but I had to outdo these guys quickly and succinctly. I shouted, “Gravitas liqueur diaboli!” Concentrating on the seven cloaked figure’s position and modified the glyphs of the runes that appeared before me.
Edward cast Gravity Snare on the seven cloaked figures.
Spell: Gravity Snare
School: Evocation
Skill Level: 6th-Level
Effect: The weight of the spell pins down and crushes the opponent, anchoring them to the ground. Target takes bludgeoning damage, which can be halved on a successful check.
Instantly, the seven figures fell to the ground, paralyzed on their backs. One by one the loud, sickening crunch of the bones breaking from the pressure echoed in the sewer.
“What in the world is this?” Hamon asked, appearing perplexed by the sight. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
The seven assassins screamed in agony, and it was painful to even hear, could only imagine what they felt. The spell worked its way up their bodies, snapping the smaller bones first, then the bigger ones. One assassin’s femur cracked, and I heard a resounding pop and crunch as he screamed. “Well, this little spell here is called Gravity Snare. It’s the one I used on the assassins in the sacred garden,” I explained.
“Little spell?” Hamon joked as he still appeared to be confused.
“Well, the good news is that all of the assassins will soon die, and it will be painful. And more importantly, I can still cast more spells today if need be, since I’ve been doing these guys in with one shot,” I explained further.
“Gravity Snare?” Hamon asked. “Where did you learn such a spell?”
“It’s a snare spell, using gravity,” I started.
“Using gravity?” Hamon muttered.
“I would like to go into this further, but we are really pressed for time. I’ll tell you all about it once we are back at Draererth,” I said, not wanting to dismiss his inquiries, but really didn’t have a choice.
He nodded and we ran further into the sewer system, going the same direction as we saw Alexia go. As we ran, the sound of bones crunching and breaking echoed through the passageway as the spell continued its natural progression.
“Alexia would have made a right here,” I said as I led Hamon down another passageway.
“How do you know?” Hamon asked.
“We came down this way to get to the cloister. Remember, I have an eidetic memory?” I jested.
“That’s right, how could I forget?” Hamon said as he struggled to keep up with me. His breaths became more and more labored.
We turned the corner, the exact way that I was certain that Alexia had traveled with the others. As I had finished getting around the corner, instantly we were met with a beast of epic proportions.
“What in the world?” I asked looking at a beast that was half woman, half lion. The golden lion lady maneuvered two daggers, one in each hand.
“It’s a lamia, Ed,” answered Hamon.
“Interesting, I’d never seen one before,” I responded, only to watch the beast woman scream with a high-pitched war cry. “Oh dear!”
“I don’t think this was the right way,” confronted Hamon.
Size: Monstrosity
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Challenge Rating: 4
XP: 200
Init: +3
Senses: Darkvision
Aura: Seduction
AC: 24
“She must have made this part of the sewer her lair,” added Hamon.
“Must have!” I agreed. The eyes of the lamia turned red as her body yearned for human flesh, they very thing that sustained their large bodies. This part of the sewer was adorned with jewels and gold, trinkets that she had brought back to make herself feel at home. She was beautiful, her hair flowing and the fur on her bottom half glistened in the light that shown through the storm drains above.
She mesmerized me with her beauty and preached out and touched my hair, running her fingers through it. I enjoyed this display of affection and felt as though I was under her spell.
Lamia’s touch permanently drained 4 points of wisdom from Edward.
“Ed! Don’t let her touch you,” shouted Hamon. Hamon’s voice waking me from my trance.
“Oh, right!” I shouted, backing away from the reach of the lamia. As I pulled away, I saw that this angered the lamia.
The lamia cast Death Knell on Edward
Spell: Death Knell
School: Necromancy
Skill Level: 2nd-Level
Effect: Drawing the life force from a target to fuel their own power. Creature will die if it fails its saving throw.
Instantly, I felt the life force draining from me. “What is going on?” I asked.
Hamon answered, “She is draining the life force from you. I wish there was something I could do to help,” cried Hamon appearing the most distressed that I had ever seen him. I became weaker and weaker as my vision turned dark.
Edward made a successful saving throw, but his HP reduced by half.
“Do you have any tricks up your sleeve?” Hamon asked while I laid on the floor, panting heavily. I felt weak, and slightly dizzy, but there had to be something I could do. A surge of power came over me as I could not stand to disappoint Hamon. I had come a long way, and I wanted to show him just how far I’d come.